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Thursday, July 30, 2015

How good is your financial plan - Wealth Management (Part-II)

"Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint. Discipline is the key ingredient"

This is the 2nd part of the two part blog. In the first part, I covered the aspects of the risk management. We will look into the wealth management aspects in this post. 

We all aspire to retire early, but the reality is most surveys indicate that the majority fall well short of the requirement. We can get away without any risk management plans in place, if we are lucky, but no getting away from the future expenses like Kids education or Retirement. We all have plans in place , but more often than not, it will be one of those plans which would have lost relevance due to inflation within 10 years, leave alone servicing the retirement period of 25-30 years. We lack the same discipline when it comes to a retirement plan compared to paying off EMI for a property.

It's never too early to start planning, be it for Kid's education, Retirement or Enhancing your legacy. Let's look into the aspects that require some discipline so that our retirement life would be peaceful. It's always easier to stretch myself to earn more now or maximize my investment returns with smarter investments at 40 than having to stretch myself beyond 60, just because we haven't saved enough. 

Retirement Planning :

Simple arithmetic says :

Eg - Singapore

Monthly Requirement : $5,000  (@Retirement age)
Duration                      :  25 years 
Expected inflation       : 3% 
investment return        : 5%, 
Corpus Rquired           : $1.17M

India :

Monthly Requirement : Rs 200,000 (@Retirement age) 
Duration                      :  25 years 
Expected inflation       : 7% 
investment return        : 10%, 
Corpus Rquired           : $4.2 Crores

There are huge advantages of starting early and making the money work smarter. Person who starts at 30 years, requires to set $996 and $2,778 per month respectively if your investment returns are 6% and 0%, The same goes up by 80% if you start at 40. Which is easier? Save $1,000, spend time and look to earn investment returns of 6% or increase the savings to $2.800 per month? For more details on the actual amount for different ages and returns, do look here

I believe in focusing on two options for retirement planning. One is steady passive income, like rentals, dividends, annuities which are adjusted to inflation and the second part is corpus. Sometimes, we might have passive income which will be more than adequate, but it may not help in case of any unforeseen major expenses post retirement. It's difficult to have such lump sum corpus, but ideally at least work towards 50-50. So plan for $500K at least in lump sum if your requirement is $1M and the passive income could provide $2,500 per month.

SRS is definitely a compelling option for those who are working in Singapore. For more details do check here

So what are you waiting for? Do the calculation on your needs and act on it immediately. Longer the wait, higher the amount you need to set aside.

Kid's education :

I don't think the concept of saving for kid's education even existed during my studying days. We all used to take a loan for overseas education or even for NIIT fees 20 years ago :), spend the first decade of your career trying to clear off the loans and then think about savings only in late 30s. Times have changed and also the expectations of the kids. Earlier you start planning for the same, lower the amount you need to set aside per month.

Approximate current cost of tertiary education,

$50,000 (Singapore)
$200-300K (For US/UK)
India isn't getting any cheaper compared to 10 years ago.
Potential Inflation : 6%

Start early so the power of compounding could work in your favour.

Emergency Savings :

This is often overlooked because we don't expect things to go wrong. We are living in an era, where in most places, 10 years of service in an organization creates huge insecurity than loyalty. It's extremely important to set aside at least 18 months of your monthly expenses in liquid assets, as that would give you the much required breathing space, in case you prefer to take a sabbatical or a sudden job loss. It not only provides peace of mind but could be a good beginning for retirement corpus, if all goes fine.

Simple rules for enhancing your investment returns
  • As a starter, please use the maximum investment possible with tax rebates, as there is no instrument which provides better and guaranteed returns than tax savings, globally. 
  • Do not get into investment which you aren't much aware of.
  • Diversify your portfolio as much as possible, across asset class and currencies, so no single failure sets you back by few years.
  • It's extremely important to sit with your financial consultant and quantify your various financial needs. Just knowing the numbers would help us understand the gaps and keep reminding us that we need to do something about it. 
Should you have any queries, please feel free to reach me.

+65 8113 3272

How good is your financial plan? - Risk Management (Part-I)

"Be decisive. A wrong decision is generally less disastrous than indecision."   ~Bernhard Langer

During my 6 years of venturing into financial consultancy, the most common aspects i observed is procrastination on financial decisions or not having an adequate plan in place. The reasons coud be

  • Waiting for something
  • Certainty : I'm not sure how long i'm going to be here (most common among NRIs, especially)
  • Fear of making a wrong move.
  • Nothing will ever happen to me.
  • I can always start this anytime.

Often, I observed there are real costs to procrastination, be it with Insurance, Investment Decisions or Estate Planning. A stress-free decision taken during normal times could provide huge relief and peace of mind during stressful moments in the future. There are huge advantages of starting both risk and wealth management early, as you not only pay a cheaper price but also guaranteed protection. 

Advantages of starting early and the power of disciplined savings -  

What's constitutes a good financial plan?
  • Protection for the entire family due to unforeseen events like Death, Critical Illness, Hospitalization etc.
  • Managing your cashflow for today's and future needs.
  • Maximize your investment returns by planning your taxes effectively and starting early.
  • Planning for financial needs like emergency savings, kids education and retirement.
  • Estate planning and causes you care about.
I believe in doing it right and doing it once. Financial decisions which requires review every couple of years would end up disastrous, so it's important to understand the bigger picture and plan once. The only thing would be to review the investment decisions to make sure you are getting the maximum returns. Let's delve a bit more into the details of each of above aspects for better planning.

Risk Management :

Health Insurance :
Most of us are dependent on the corporate cover for the health insurance, but many times we aren't aware of the limitations of those plans. It's good to consider these as bonuses but plan for a comprehensive independent cover which is adequate enough to cover for major hospitalization expenses.

Eg : 15 Lakhs and above for India
        $200K and above for countries like Singapore, US

Critical Illness :
This is an income replacement option for major illnesses like Cancer, Heart Diseases etc. Hospitalization protection would cover the hospital expenses but this will help to cover the possible loss in income as the company will not pay beyond a certain point.

I would advise 3 years of monthly expenses as an adequate cover.
Eg : Monthly Expenses : $8,000.
        Adequate Cover : $300K

Protection for Life :
This is similar to critical illness but require income protection for the family for a slightly longer duration. It's difficult to replace the emotional stress that family should go through due to unforeseen circumstances, but at least we could ensure financial security for the family. An adequate cover could be either for at least 20 years of monthly expenses or the kids start earning.

Eg : 
For a 40 year old person, 20 years would provide an adequate cover.
Monthly Expenses : $8,000 / Rs 1 Lakh
Adequate Cover :  $2 Million / Rs 2.5 Crores.

The most common thing i notice with life protection is the quest for returns on all insurance options. More often that not, it's impossible for people to meet the entire needs with an Endowment or Investment linked plan. The very reason of buying an insurance option is because of the probability of an unforeseen thing happening and the family should be really benefited in such a situation. I have seen many allocating considerable premiums but the total cover isn't adequate due to the nature of the plans. It's always advisable to cover for the maximum possible with pure term before you look at the endowment options, based on individual's affordability.

I shall cover the details of the wealth management aspects in the 2nd part of this post..

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